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About Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife’s (Ezemvelo) mandate is derived from the KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Management Act (Act No.9 of 1997), which is to direct the management of nature conservation within the Province including protected areas (PAs). This includes the development and promotion of ecotourism facilities within the PAs.


A leader in connecting people and nature for a better world.


For the benefit of the people of the province, working with our stakeholders and partners to:

  • Conserve indigenous biological resources sustainably and promote the biodiversity economy.
  • Manage human - wildlife co-existance and conflict.
  • Promote ecotourism in support of inclusive economic growth.
  • Monitor and enforce a sound biodiversity management regulatory framework.
  • Generate revenue to enhance the delivery of the core mandate.

Core Values


We shall
  • Strive to apply best practices to always achieve the highest quality and standards.
  • Perform at our best in the provision of the services we offer and do things right the first time and all the time.
  • Perform our duties in a professional manner.


We shall
  • Enhance interdepencance and cordial relations premised on humility and respect
  • Create and maintain shared goals and work together towards improving delivery.
  • Emphasize transformation, social unity and generosity of spirit.


We shall
  • Provide a gurantee of consistency of actions and conduct.
  • Display the highest ethical and moral conduct.
  • Act transparently and with honesty in all we do.


We shall
  • Undertake robust and credible research, and embrace a culture of learning, adaptation, and creativity at all times.
  • Inspire others to action in order to create a better future and solve problems in new ways.
  • Renew the implementation of programmes, operations, and projects in a systematic and holistic manner.


We shall
  • Be committed to the achievement of shared goals in a healthy working environment.
  • Be passionate in what we do.

Legislative and Other Mandates

Ezemvelo, in terms of the KZN Nature Conservation Management Act 9 of 1997, is mandated to:

a) Direct the management of

  1. nature conservation within the province;
  2. protected areas; and
  3. the development and promotion of ecotourism facilities within the protected areas.

b) Ensure the proper efficient and effective management of the Conservation Service.

Ezemvelo Protected Area Estate





Number Of Consolidated Protected Areas Vested With Ezemvelo As The Management Authority.


·         509864.338 ha (UDP included)

·          276380ha (excluding  UDP)


Excluding the undeclared Farm Fairview, and to be declared Inkonjane Nature Reserve.

Number Of Individually Declared Properties Vested With Ezemvelo As The Management Authority.


·         275473.9081 ha

Excluding World Heritage Sites, community nature reserves, and two properties owned by the Board, one of which is about to be declared a nature reserve and Makassa Nature Reserve.

Number Of Individually Declared Parcels Of Land/Sea For Which Ezemvelo Is A Management Authority


·         2481823.769 ha

Excluding Makassa Nature Reserve, Farm Fairview, and to be declared Inkonjane Nature Reserve, including the UDP and Isimangaliso WHS.

Number of consolidated declared protected areas for which Ezemvelo is a Management Authority


·         2598932.3 ha

Including the MPAs and Isimangaliso WHS, excluding Makassa Nature Reserve, Rarm Fairview, and to be declared Inkonjane Nature Reserve

Number of consolidated declared protected areas for which Ezemvelo is the sole Management Authority


·         1107526.55 ha

including the MPAs and UDP, excluding Makassa Nature Reserve, Farm Fairview, and to be declared Inkonjane Nature Reserve

Number of consolidated declared protected areas for which Ezemvelo is a co-Management Authority


·         1359656.543 ha


Isimangaliso WHS - including its MPA


Number of MPA for which Ezemvelo is the sole Management Authority


·         597 661.88 ha


Excluding Isimangaliso WHS MPA


Number of declared community nature reserves Ezemvelo is the sole Management Authority



·         5111 ha


Excluding Makassa Nature Reserve


Number of declared nature reserves owned by Ezemvelo


·         1107.43 ha


Excluding Farm Fairview, and to be declared Inkonjane Nature Reserve


Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife is the provincial agency mandated to carry out biodiversity conservation and associated activities in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in the Republic of South Africa. The primary focus of the organisation is biodiversity conservation - the management of more than 463 protected areas Estate which include two World Heritage Sites which are the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site and the Isimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site.

The organization also applies provincial nature conservation legislation and its associated regulations. A secondary but nevertheless vital aspect, is the management of one of the largest eco-tourism operation in South Africa. The Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife administration model has been shown to work well whereby the eco-tourism operations provide financial support for conservation operations. These two key elements are backed by various support services divisions which include audit, finance, human resources,projects and IT, amongst others.

The organisation as a whole is the off-spring of a merger between two conservation bodies: the former Natal Parks Board which was formed in 1947 and whose antecedents go back into colonial times; and the former KwaZulu Directorate of Nature Conservation which was formed in 1972 to manage the nature conservation requirements of the "homeland" of KwaZulu.

Following the democratic elections in 1994 both organisations negotiated a mutual amalgamation which resulted in the formation of the KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Board with its entire operation conducted as KwaZulu-Natal Conservation Services. al body being Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.

Although the core function is biodiversity conservation, the organization has two other "legs" - these being Commercial Operations and Partnerships. The model on which Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife operates is designed to make the organisation as independent as possible. Although it is a parastatal body receiving a subsidy from the provincial government, it is able to supplement this through its own business operations, generating some 40% of its operating budget. In terms of local economy it has been established that in many instances Ezemvelo is the only employer in certain areas and one salary paid to an employee from a local community can affect between ten and 15 others in a ripple-effect. In this way the organization affects more than 30 000 people in rural areas in a positive economic way.

Our Approach

Biodiversity Conservation

A biodiversity-conservation body should run game reserves, say many people. This is indeed what we do - and more. We are the custodians of the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site, we are the conservation and ecotourism managers in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, we manage the world famous Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park genetic home to the southern white rhino and its fantastic story of recovery; we manage Ithala Game Reserve, Weenen Game Reserve and a host of delightful and vital smaller parks and nature reserves.

Our District Conservation Officers work amongst communities outside of protected areas ensuring that the conservation legislation of the province is applied and to assist the public with any biodiversity conservation issues they might encounter. Our marine officers act as agents for Marine and Coastal Management, a branch of the national Department of Environment Affairs and apply appropriate marine legislation to protect our dwindling marine resources.

No biodiversity agency can operate without scientific input and Ezemvelo is no exception. Teams of ecologists, both in the protected areas and in regional offices, and our head office, are responsible for providing a scientific basis for management operations through applied research, for applying the requirements of national legislation regarding Environmental Impact Assessments, Integrated Management Plans and much more.

Biodiversity conservation includes conservation of the air we breathe and the water we drink. All life on this planet relies on these two elements. Without either there can be no life. It is thus a vital role of any conservation agency to draw the attention of the people of the world to the need for measures to protect both air and water. At present man is responsible for massive air and water pollution. Proper biodiversity conservation ensures that ecosystems goods and services are available to mankind. These include water, fuel, natural resources for creating housing, household goods and clothing, food and traditional medicines.

In KZN alone such natural goods and services are valued at about R151 million. It is estimated that 6 million people in this province alone use traditional remedies – a trade worth R350 million annually and rising. A huge amount of raw material for the creation of natural remedies also makes its way from KZN to the markets in Gauteng and other parts of the country. The value of these natural goods and services pose the question of potential cost to government to replace them should they fail. What would the cost to the State be to provide piped water, reticulated sewerage, housing built of commercially available material, provision of fuel such as paraffin or the provision of electricity to rural areas? To manage and protect this vast natural investment Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife receives a subsidy of R350 million per annum.

Biodiversity conservation also provides the attraction of protected natural areas that draw tourists not only locally but from all over the world. The vast majority of tourists to South Africa are drawn by the allure of the game reserves – but they also pay for accommodation and service en route. In this way the effect of our game reserves is spread throughout the country.

Eco - Tourism

Ezemvelo manages one of the largest eco-tourism operations in South Africa. We offer 2 500 beds per night in a wide range of different accommodation types, and we offer camping accommodation to over 10 000 people per night. Diversity is a key word in describing our operations - be it conservation or eco-tourism. Our overnight visitor facilities range from a cave in the Maloti-DrakensbergPark through open campsites, self catering rondavels, chalets, safari tents, to cottages and luxury lodges. Certain of the larger resorts - Didima, Giant’s Castle and Hilltop in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park and Ntshondwe in Ithala Game Reserve also offer a restaurant. This diversity offers something to suit all pockets.

Depending on the sort of wildlife experience our visitors want they can choose from a variety of facilities in one of the 65 protected areas that offer overnight accommodation. Not all of our more than 120 protected areas offer accommodation as some are quite small. Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife offers many unique and wonderful experiences for its visitors - these include guided walks, overnight Wilderness Trails in Imfolozi, access to ancient San rock-art, close-up encounters with crocodiles at the St Lucia Crocodile Centre, peace and solitude in the Drakensberg, unparalleled scenery and vistas and superb game viewing from the comfort of your own car or in a guided open vehicle tour.


We have dedicated Community Conservation Officers and their staff who work amongst rural communities assisting and teaching good biodiversity conservation practice and a lot more. A levy on each tourist paying to enter a protected area provides funding for community projects which are financed through the carefully administered Community Levy Fund. An active Projects Section negotiates funding from major national and international sources. This too is tightly managed.

An exciting new initiative is the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Biodiversity Stewardship programme in which we enter into partnerships with private landowners in order to protect valuable biodiversity assets that occur on that private land. To date five new nature reserves have been created under the Stewardship Programme. Another active partnership programme is the WWF Black Rhino Range Expansion Project which seeks to spread the endangered black rhino to selected groupings of appropriate private land in KZN. To date five conservancies of about 20 000ha have been formed and have been stocked with founder populations of this iconic animal.

Protected Areas

or administrative reasons Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife recognizes two regions - these being the West and East Regions.

West Region

The core of this region is the 260 000ha Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site. This is one of 27 World Heritage Sites to be inscribed for both natural and cultural attributes. The natural aspect recognizes the outstanding scenic beauty of the Park, a unique aspect being that it is a scarp range. The cultural aspect recognizes the unique San rock-art which is such a feature of the Park which is in effect a massive outdoor art gallery housing some 40 000 rock-art images in an estimated 600 different sites. One of these is the Game Passs helter near Kamberg which is recognized as the "Rosetta Stone" of San rock-art in that it holds the key to interpreting the meaning of much rock-art symbolism. The Park is one of the major water-producing areas of South Africa with rivers rising within its boundaries feeding all the major urban and rural areas of KZN. In addition, through the Tugela-Vaal System, water from the Drakensberg is diverted to Gauteng. 12 different game of nature reserves and State Forest areas were amalgamated into the Park which now forms a continuous and rich mosaic of protected areas. A great many small nature reserves lie within this region, all of which hold some unique attraction for the visitor.

EAST Region

Zululand traditionally is big game Country and this region holds the famous Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park– genetic home of every white rhino population in the world, Ndumo Game Reserve, Tembe Elephant Park(currently home to an elephant with the largest tusks in South Africa) and diverse Ithala Game Reserve. Many other smaller protected areas can be found within this region.

Coastal Region

The gem in this region is the iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site. This park is managed by the Wetland Authority but Ezemvelo manages the ecotourism operations as well as biodiversity conservation on an agency basis within the Park. Other protected areas falling within this region are (amongst others) the Umlalazi Nature Reserve at Mtunzini, the Beachwood Mangrove and Stainbank Nature Reserves in Durban as well as Mpenjati and Oribi Gorge Nature Reserves to the south of Durban.

A visit to the Ezemvelo website confirms that Ezemvelo is an extremely multi-facetted and diverse organization just as the protected areas and the various species in them are diverse. The various protected areas in the KZN parks system are well worth a visit and it is seemly to keep in mind the hidden benefits of maintaining these parks for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Ezemvelo Strategy

These are the Strategic Objectives which were reviewed and adopted by the Ezemvelo Board for 2015 – 2020. These objective are aligned with the Republic of South Africa government priorities.
  • To conserve indigenous biodiversity in KwaZulu - Natal both within and outside of protected areas
  • To be a sustainable, well resourced and capacitated biodiversity conservation and ecotourism organisation
  • To foster the value of biodiversity conservation with stakeholders
  • To be efficient, effective and compliant organisation with good governance
  • To effectively promote the mandate of the organisation to stakeholders
Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020
Click Here
Annual Performance Plan
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Ezemvelo’s Annual Performance Plan for the 2016/17 financial year
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Ezemvelo’s Annual Performance Plan for the 2017/18 financial year
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Ezemvelo’s Annual Performance Plan for the 2018/19 financial year
Click Here

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